“Makroökonomie I (Macroeconomics I),” Bern, Fall 2012

Undergraduate course at the University of Bern.

Lectures are held in German and cover the following topics: Einfühung; IS-LM; Arbeitsmarkt; AS-AD; Phillips; Erwartungen; Aussenhandel, Kapitalverkehr, Wechselkurse; Gütermarkt in der offenen Volkswirtschaft; Mundell-Fleming; Währungspolitik; Staatsverschuldung; Wachstum (Empirie); Solow; Technischer Fortschritt. Lectures follow these slides (in German): Part 1, part 2, part 3. Time: Wed 12-14. University course site. Exam: See university course site for date, time, location. Course assistant: Sarah Fischer.