PhD course in the Stockholm Doctoral Program.
SU’s official course page. The unofficial, but—in case of doubt—relevant course page is the one you are looking at. Syllabus. Schedule: Classes held on Tuesday and Thursday from 9–11 a.m. in these rooms. No class on February 11. Approximately one topic per meeting. Problem sets: distributed and discussed by the TA, Daria Finocchiaro. Course requirements: To pass the exam (which builds on the material covered in class) (90% of grade), and to hand in all (except at most one) problem sets in time (10% of grade).
Some links: Jordi Gali’s “New Perspectives …” paper as mentioned in the syllabus, in PDF. For those interested in methods to solve various optimal savings problems: Christopher Carroll’s website with notes and Mathematica code. For those interested in recursive methods: Thomas Sargent’s website with Matlab code. Paul Krugman’s opinions on macroeconomic policy issues, as published in the New York Times.