Lost Prison Interview With Hermann Goering: The Nazi Reichsmarschall’s Revelations
Copies of Germany’s Acts of Military Surrender are posted on the German Federal Archive’s website. The NZZ reported about the surrender and Foreign Minister Schwerin von Krosigk’s radio address to the German public in its May 8 1945 issue (PDF).
Reinhard Müller discusses legal aspects of recent Greek demands for German reparations in the FAZ. In the past, both German and international courts have ruled against similar demands.
In the NZZ, Elena Panagiotidis reports about the atrocities committed by German occupying forces during World War II and reviews the history of unsuccessful Greek demands for reparation (by government) and compensation (by individuals).
Addendum (March 25):
An article in The Economist provides still another perspective.
Timothy Lee and collaborators provide a map-based account of World War II in Vox. Short texts and 42 maps cover Germany, China and Japan, Central Europe, Finland, France and the UK, Russia, the Pacific, Africa, the Allies’ invasions, the Holocaust, Israel and Korea, among other aspects. An animated map displays the opponents’ varying spheres of influence during the war years.