In its recent Fiscal Monitor, the IMF provides estimates of public sector net worth. See also this previous post.
Tag Archives: Public asset
New Questions about Greece’s Indebtedness
On the FT’s Alphaville blog, Matthew Klein reports about discrepancies between IMF and Greek (and EU) assessments of Greek net indebtedness. The IMF appears to report lower Greek financial asset holdings than the Greek Central Bank.
Matthew Klein quotes the Greek Central Bank:
We would like to clarify that the Bank of Greece compiles its financial accounts, from which data on the general government’s net debt are derived, according to European standards. The Bank of Greece’s data are compatible with the ECB’s and Eurostat’s rules (ESA 2010) regarding financial accounts and are used as an integral part in the production of the Monetary Union’s Financial Accounts. These data can also be accessed through the ECB’s Statistical Data Warehouse at
The IMF’s series on the general government’s net debt come from its WEO database and are not necessarily based on official statistics provided by Greek Statistical authorities. We understand that they may be compiled by IMF’s desk economists (and not its Statistics Department) and we cannot vouch for their accuracy, since they are adjusted according to the programming needs of the IMF. At first glance, they appear to be based on outdated information contained in past EDP [excessive deficit procedure] documentation.
State-Owned Assets and their Management
The Economist reports about a new book by Dag Detter and Stefan Fölster, “The Public Wealth of Nations.” The authors argue that public assets should be managed through holding companies with professional managers and no direct government intervention.
The book’s website.