He wants to “fix the country the right way and from the ground up.” His economic policy proposals are well known (among economists), see here. He also wants to confront North Korea and Iran.
Tag Archives: Laurence Kotlikoff
The Purple Plans
Laurence Kotlikoff appeals to “fellow economists and concerned citizens” to endorse plans for
- reform of the tax system: www.thepurpletaxplan.org;
- reform of the health care system: www.thepurplehealthplan.org;
- reform of the social security system: www.thepurplesocialsecurityplan.org;
- an overhaul of banking: www.thepurplefinancialplan.org;
- intergenerational fairness: www.thepurplegenerationalbalanceplan.org;
- an energy tax: www.thepurpleenergyplan.org;
- a reform of the education system: www.thepurpleeducationplan.org.