Tag Archives: Exchange

“Libra oder lieber nicht? (Libra, or Better Not?),” NZZ, 2019

NZZ, 10 July 2019, with Corinne Zellweger-Gutknecht. PDF.

Libra is supposed to be backed; the returns on the securities backing it are going to be distributed among the Libra partners; and Libra’s price is supposed to be managed by a network of market makers. We don’t know much more. Will market makers have the incentive to deliver?

See also the longer article in Jusletter.

“Das Geschäftsmodell hinter Libra (Libra’s Business Model),” Jusletter, 2019

Jusletter, 1 July 2019, with Corinne Zellweger-Gutknecht. PDF.

Libra is supposed to be backed; the returns on the securities backing it are going to be distributed among the Libra partners; and Libra’s price is supposed to be managed by a network of market makers. We don’t know much more. Will market makers have the incentive to deliver?