The first of a long sequence of nice papers on the virus by economists are out:
- Martin Eichenbaum, Sergio Rebelo, and Mathias Trabandt (2020), The Macroeconomics of Epidemics. NBER wp 26882. (My comments on Twitter.)
- James Stock (2020), Coronavirus Data Gaps and the Policy Response to the Novel Corona Virus. Mimeo. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to reliably estimate the asymptomatic rate—the share among the infected who do not show strong symptoms.
For more recent papers, see for example CEPR’s Covid Economics: Vetted and Real-Time Papers.
- Unconditional mortality rates in Europe by country and age group: EuroMOMO.
- Case numbers by country: CSSE @ Johns Hopkins.
- Case numbers by country and with decomposition for CH/FL:
- Case numbers for CH/FL, compiled by canton of Zurich.
- Case numbers with decomposition for Germany: Robert Koch Institute.
- Case numbers by country: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
- Case numbers by country and US states:
- Case numbers for Germany: Blog by Klaus Wälde.
- Overall excess deaths by country, city: FT.
- Case numbers: The COVID Tracking project
Estimates and forecasts:
- Estimates of R by country: website.
- Estimates of infection numbers by country: Daniel Bachler.
- Epidemic calculator: Gabriel Goh.
- Forecasts by country:
Oxford University’s government response tracker.
Updated: March 26, April 26, …